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The website  is the online presence of the company of Konstantinos Papapanagiotou under the distinctive title ‘ANTHRAX SPORTSWEAR’

(Tax Identification Number: 119044233, Z' Public Tax Office of Thessaloniki)).

The company’s registered office is located in Neo Rysio, Thessaloniki (Post Code: 57001. Tel.: +30 23920 72063)


Anthrax endeavors to provide a first-class customer service on a daily basis. The creation of this particular website signifies the beginning of an advanced form of communication between the company and its customers. This website is intended for all internet users who wish to receive direct information on the company's products.


‘ANTHRAX’ aims to the direct and satisfactory customer service operating constantly in a responsible manner on the course of its business activity and developing trust between the company and its customers.


The present terms fully comply with the current European and Greek legislation; users acknowledge the company’s right to modify any provisions of the present terms to the extent that such modification would neither affect legally binding obligations of either party nor affect any accomplished situations.


Website users acknowledge they have read the present terms, agree with them and undertake to comply with them.


We feel we have the obligation to keep our customers always informed and secured. For this reason, we would like to inform our e-shop customers on the following topics:


In order to perform any transaction and to make any order of the company’s products, you will be asked to provide some personal data. When you place an order, you will be asked to provide your full name and surname, the address for the delivery of products, your landline number (or whichever phone number you specify), your email address and, in case you choose to use your credit card as a payment method, you will be asked to provide the card number, its expiry date as well as the 3-digit security code of your card.

Our company shall process these data in accordance with article 7Α par. 1 (b) of Law 2472/1997, in order to complete the order placed by our customers and shall in no way disclose, publish or sell these data to any third parties, except in case a legal procedure regarding the lifting of confidentiality is initiated (L. 2225/1994) or according to other obligations arising from the national implementation of Directive 24/2006.


Your personal data shall be disclosed to the relevant bank (i.e. the credit card number in order to complete the payment transaction.


Rights on intellectual property and trademarks.

The overall design, the texts, the graphic design elements, the selection and the settings of the website are assets of ANTHRAX Company and are copyrighted. All rights reserved every text or illustration that bears the ANTHRAX logo is either a trademark or registered trademark and is used herein upon permission granted by their respective owners.


The photographers or artists creating and submitting unique copyrighted works, according to provision 2§1 of the Berne Convention, article 2§1 Law 2121/1993 as in force and according to Directive 93/98 EC, have agreed to transfer automatically (according to article 32 § 2 Law 2121/93 as in force) to the ‘Company’ the economic interest and the whole of the rights and benefits deriving from each photograph they create and have accepted that the ‘Company’ shall have the unconditional right to fully exploit the specific works. In addition, the ‘Company’ reserves the right to modify, reproduce, incorporate and propagate the works during the whole of the duration of the company (pursuant to Article 9 of the WIPO Copyright Treaty which was ratified by Greece with Law 3184/2003- Greek Government Gazette Issue A΄ 228/26.09.2003, article 12 of the TRIPS Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights which was ratified by Greece with Law 2290/1995-Greek Government Gazette Issue A΄ 28, as well as article 6 of the Council Directive 93/98/EEC.


Product features and other details are available online and you can find any related information by following the search guide provided on our websites and by clicking on the name/code of the relevant product.


Orders placed through this website constitute a remote sales agreement governed by the legal framework of Law 2251/1994 as amended and enforced.

The user is entitled to conclude a valid order provided he/she is a capable person according to the Greek Civil Code (i.e. he/she is 18 years old or over and not under judicial guardianship with regard to entering into sales agreements). Representatives of legal entities may also place orders. The Company reserves the right to claim from the supervisor or guardian any order made by persons legally disqualified to contract.

Orders placed through this website constitute a remote sales agreement governed by the legal framework of Law 2251/1994 as amended and enforced.

The user is entitled to conclude a valid order provided he/she is a capable person according to the Greek Civil Code (i.e. he/she is 18 years old or over and not under judicial guardianship with regard to entering into sales agreements). Representatives of legal entities may also place orders. The Company reserves the right to claim from the supervisor or guardian any order made by persons legally disqualified to contract.


In order to place an order, the following are required:


(a) completing the relevant form by providing all information necessary in order to conclude the sales contract


(b) the unconditional acceptance of the sales contract’s terms and these terms of use


To make the transactions easier and to serve all our customers that wish to purchase products, ANTHRAX  offers alternative payment methods:


Payments by PayPal account

By bank money transfer

By charging your credit card through the Piraeus Bank website.


ANTHRAX has taken all the necessary measures regarding the security of the transactions made through your credit card and all the holders of credit cards are subject to validity checks.

It is important that you accurately submit your contact telephone number and a valid email address.

Through the website, prior to the completion and submission of the relevant order, the consumer is informed by the Company on: the identity and address of the supplier, the essential characteristics of the product, the price, the quantity and the transfer fees, the method of payment and delivery, the duration of the order, the price or the current offer, the right to cancel the order.


By sending the order form, the consumer receives an electronic copy of his order, which he can save.


All prices shown under the relevant lists of each product include VAT (24%); ANTHRAX reserves the right to change prices without notice to the consumers.


NOTE: Non EU-Customers shall be subject to any charges that may arise from exchange rate differences, customs clearances, etc., for which our company shall bear no liability.



The customer has the option to chose the method of delivery, either through the Greek Post Office service (ELTA) which may take between 3 to 30 working days (depending on the location of the delivery) or through an Express Courrier company which may take between 1 to 5 working days. The delivery costs vary depending on the location and the weight of the parcel sent, whilst the customer is notified regarding the exact costs at the time that the order is placed and before the order is complete, having in this way the opportunity to cancel it if he/she does not agree with the delivery costs.


In case you wish to cancel your order please keep in mind that the cancellation will be accepted within 24 hours from the order confirmation.

Beyond that point, no cancellation will be accepted.



Force majeure: If due to force majeure (i.e. adverse weather conditions, strikes, etc.), we fail to deliver you the products within the set time-limit, we will contact you through e-mail. ANTHRAX shall not be liable for any situation arising without its fault and shall do whatever is humanly possible for your best service.


Modification of terms: ANTHRAX reserves the right to modify or renew the terms and conditions regarding transactions. The company undertakes to update the present text for any modification of or addition to the terms.

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